Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Picture#4 Summer 97

This picture was taken when we were camping. I'm not sure where we were camping. In this picture my Mom and I are sitting by the fire and talking.

I do not remember this specific conversation or camping trip but I remember many other times sitting and chatting with my Mom about whatever was going on in my life. My Mom was the kind of Mom that I could tell anything to. My Mom would listen without judging. She would pray for me and offer advice but only after listening.

I remember that trailer. Many times we loaded it up with old pots and pans, puzzles, cards, board games, badminton rackets, soccer ball, frisbee, sleeping bags, candles, swimsuits, noodles, and lots of yummy food. Then we would go camping in it and our old Ford Mercury.

When I look closely at the picture, it looks like I'm trying to whittle a stick. The year before my parents had taken my older cousin camping with us, and he was always whittling roses, so the next year whenever we were camping I kept trying to make roses.

This picture is a snapshot that captures a taste of the kind of relationship my Mom and I had.

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